'I have insomnia' Life in the fast lane seems exciting and glamorous, but it leaves DUNCAN BLUE unable to sleep...
clock watching So, what exactly is insomnia? Insomnia is when you can't get to sleep. Your body's tired and wants to sleep but your brain's still active and you can't shut it off. My problem is that no matter how much I try, I can't get myself into a pattern where I'll slee p. It's frustrating cos you're tossing and turning and it's especially bad when you've got to get up for work in the morning. You're looking at your watch all the time, seeing the hours go by and thinking, 'I've only got four hours' sleep left!' then three hours, then two. By that time you're really angry and upset with yourself and just want to sleep.
sick'n'tired What do you think of when you're trying to sleep? I have random thoughts and think lots of really weird things. If you've got a lot on your mind, a lot of worries and a hectic life, it makes it worse. Insomnia doesn't run in my family - it's just me, so I've got to try to cope with it.
What do you do when you can't sleep? I just lie there usually, but last night I started playing on my computer. Then I got angry with myself and was like, 'What am I doing? It's 5.30am and I've got to be up at 7.30am!'
And how do you feel the morning after? I feel sick all day, so I can't eat properly. I yaw n a lot too and haven't got much energy. This morning I fell asleep half an hour before I had to get up, so when I woke up I felt worse than I had the whole night. I'll be lying in bed thinking, 'Can I get out of today?' but it's not fair, and usually after I've had a shower I feel a bit better, I just try to get my head down when I get a spare half-hour.
Is there anything you avoid cos it makes your insomnia worse? I try not to drink caffeine or take things like Pro Plus - it makes me shake and feel sick. I've found that drinking orange juice and eating fresh fruit is good cos it gives me natural sugars and energy.
zombie Does your tiredness make you short-tempered or depressed? Just despondent, really - like a zombie. The night before I presented Party In The Park I got no sleep at all and I was worried cos I needed to be on the ball. I do get short-tempered, but mostly I'll go quiet and distance myself from the other lads and all the jokes. They know to lea ve me when I'm like that!
Do any of the other lads suffer similar problems? Si does sometimes - he couldn't sleep last night cos he was excited about being back at work!
What have you done to combat the problem? When I went to America I got some melatonin, a natural herbal remedy. I like natural things. I've tried camomile tea and lavender pillow spray - but they just seem to calm me.
stress Have you been to your doctor about it? Yeah, they just suggested cutting out caffeine, trying not to stress about things and not eating after about 8pm. But it's hard not to stress cos I'm a worrier and I let things affect me.
How do you avoid getting dark circles under your eyes? If I don't sleep tonight I'll be really tired and puffy-eyed tomorrow. Our make-up artist's got eye gels and stuff, though, and I try to drink lots of water, which helps.
Do you find it easier to sleep in certain places? I can get insomnia at home or in hotels, it doesn't matter. But of course if I go out partying until 5am I don't usually have any problems sleeping, ha-ha!
What's your advice to other sufferers? I'd suggest trying the conventional things like aromatherapy, lavender and camomile teas. Working on your breathing and meditation can be good too! I should try yoga but it's just finding the time, isn't it? Also, don't eat late and avoid caffeine. But counting sheep has never worked for me. |