Lee Ryan || by Emz (aka. Mimette)
Lee Ryan
CLOCK (GMT + 1 hour)


Under starters orders now...and it's very clear that Blue like Scalextric. The way Duncan zooms trackwards, a mile a minute, gives it away. Anthony tests it - "Ya beauty! Look at it go!" and Lee snatches his favourite car from Sy's hand, "Er yeah, cheers Lee, man!" grumps Sy. For a little while the lads forget they're on a photo shoot. There's something more serious at stake. It involves skill, precision, nerves of steel and a lot of "Oi, Sy put my car back on the track right now!!!" It's all a total boy zone and they all look like driving demons, but which Blue boy will be 2002's racer of the year?! Here we go...

Erm, we can hardly tear you away from the game lads. Big fans are ya?

LEE: Yeah! Love it.
DUNCAN: I've always been fascinated by it! I had a figure-of-eight set, with a bridge and a crossover. And I always used a lucky red car!
SIMON: Hmmph. I couldn't afford it, but my mates had it. And they had He-man and skeltor! But who cares? If I make enough money I'm gonna have a whole room in my house jam-packed with these games!!

Who's the worst loser outta all of ya?

DUNCAN: Lee. He hates losing. He gets grumpy if he doesn't win - I'm sure he cheats without us knowing.
SIMON: He's a really bad loser! He's always in trouble!
DUNCAN: And it's murder if your next in line to play pool or Playstation cos he's always like "One more go!"
ANT: Aww he's just boisterous. He likes winding people up...
LEE: Yeah, I'm just having fun. It's part of being a boy isn't it? We compete about stupid things!
DUNCAN: That's true. Its a macho thing. Boys want the best car, and the sexiest woman.

OK, these cars are tiny, but what motor would you choose for real life revvin?

ANT: Something very fast and very sporty...and very very cool.(sighs) Ahh one day...
SIMON: I'd like to have a Ferrari one day. Everyone gets a red one don't they? I don't want that . I'll see if I can have a blue one.
DUNCAN: I'd get a BMW three series convertable, in black or an Audi TT...
LEE: But I'm having one of them!! Well, I am when I pass my driving test. I can't wait, driving gives you so much independance and it's so cool when you can take a girl out and pick her up in a nice car.

Whaddaya get up to on a boys night off!

ANT: I'll iron my clothes for the next gig!
LEE: I watch films, write songs and poetry. Writing's the thing that keeps me intersted.
DUNCAN: Prrt! Not if we're all together! Then we'll get girls round, have a drink, a laugh and end up breaking something.
SIMON: And we've had nights in the studio, when we've finished work and we just record rubbish!

Let us in on a secret. What do boys like you lot talk about when there's no one around?

SIMON: Oh you know. Girls of course.
DUNCAN: Yeah laydees.
SIMON: Well girls and clothes.
ANT: We're all very open cause we spend so much time together, we're not the sort of lads who can't talk about emotions.
LEE: There are no secrets!
SIMON: We ask ourselves stuff like " Why are girls nice? What's gonna happen between me and whoever? What should I do?
LEE: And we all boast about what we've been up to with laydees.
ANT: We love a good old gossip. There's a bit of Dot Cotton in all of us ya know.

What naughty shenanigans did you get up to at home?

SIMON: I dunno! Probably just having girls around. Obviously we'd only have been watching videos or summat. When I was at home and mum came in and I was snogging I would be like( looks all innocent)"lalala"
LEE: Embarrasing aint it? I may have been caught having the odd kiss, but I wouldn't get up to anything too heavy at my mums!
ANT: (Thinks for ages...) Me and mate broke a vase belonging to this girls mum once. It was obviously a really nice piece. Not two quid down the market - and she started crying! There was nothing we could do to apologise!
DUNCAN: I was a little devil as a kid - you wouldn't like me if you knew some of the stuff I got up to, but I got better as I grew up! I did things like nick Grandad's homemade wine while it was brewing in the boiling cupboard.

Did you ever sneak out the house to see your mates?

LEE: I snuck out all the time with my mates Matt and Darren. We'd go out at three in the morning with a mission. We'd walk around and talk till bout 6am the next day!
ANT: Did ya!? Blimmin eck! I'm too happy at home to be sneaking out!
DUNCAN: I worked out how to open the child lock on my window and i'd jump out the window onto the garage roof, then onto an oil tank then onto the ground! My mate BJ and I had walkie talkies and we'd sneak out together.

And have ya ever been to a party that turned out crazy?

LEE: When I was younger I went to loads of house parties where everything got wrecked. Was it me? Sometimes! At the wilder ones you got the neighbours complaining- sometimes the police were called!!
ANT: I love parties - I used to be the one either dancing or by the food - but it's better to go to parties than have em innit? We had a surprise karaoke disco for my mum two years ago and the neighbours started
complaining about 11 pm. My uncle wasn't pleased!
SIMON: When I was 15, Mum let me have a party but we had loads of gatecrashers - about 200 - the carpet got ruined and all my cousin's records were stolen.
DUNCAN: I was the king of house parties! Once, Mum went to Thailand and I had the place to myself. I had a massive party, got really drunk... and the house was a tip! There was loads of snogging going on. It was
mad, but I loved it!

P.s Lee won. But we suspect he may of cheated!

Lee Ryan
Lee Ryan Gallery

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Induls: 2004-03-28
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Curtain Falls

Mdia (Lee)

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$

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