Lee Ryan || by Emz (aka. Mimette)
Lee Ryan
CLOCK (GMT + 1 hour)



Whats the biggest party you've ever been to?
SI: 'P Diddy's party at sound republic in 1998. id just won this moddleing competition and it was my first celebrity party. I was this kid from Moss Side {Manchester}, a place where people arnt suposed to make a success of themselves, rubbing shoulders with all these famous people. It was fantastic!'
DUNC: 'After we preformed at the Queens Jubilee last year, all the artists went back to the palace for a champagne reception. i was surrounded by thousand of pounds worth of paintings, hanging out with Prince Charles and Paul Macartney!'
LEE: 'Duncs birthday in Germany - we were just running around this hotel causing mayhem. We go to thousands of parties, but that night was made our own party - and thats why it was so great!'

Whats the lamest party you've ever been to?
' The Save The Last Dance premiere a few years ago. It was really dark and dingy and there was no food, so we only stayed about an hour then we legged it!'
SI: 'I had a rubbish time when Duncan and i threw a join birthday party at a club a couple of years ago. I spent the whole evening just running around making sure everyone who'd come from Manchester were alright.'
DUNC: 'I had a terrible time too. Everyone brought friends so we went over-captivity really early on. Loads of people we didn't know were inside, and loads of people we wanted in there couldnt get in. Every time i walked anywhere i got collared by strangers - i couldnt even get to the bar!

Ever thrown a party which got out of hand?
‘When I was younger everyone would come to my garden parties, get drunk on alcopops, break my parents things and sneak into different rooms to snog. I found all that very disrespectful.’
DUNC: ‘I had a huge fancy dress party in the village hall. Everyone started fighting outside – even the girls had bitch fighs – and my outfit was completely trashed, so I had to pay a lot of money to the company. It was a great night though!’
LEE: ‘I had a New Year’s Eve party three or four years ago at my mums house and all the boys came along. We were singing to Westlife on the karaoke machine all night – it was great. My mums always been a really good laugh at parties. People would throw up everywhere and she wouldn’t mind. One time, my mate Rob even got into bed with her for a cuddle!’

Have you ever suffered post-party shame?
‘At my birthday party in June this year, I was in abit of a state and couldn’t be bothered to move, so while I was sitting there, I got my bits out and had a pee on the lawn. I woke up next morning on the sofa wearing my mums swimming costume.’
DUNC: ‘I have a bad habit of taking my clothes off when im drunk – it comes from being a Devon boy and going skinny dipping at midnight. I do this thing called ‘squashed rat’ where you get your bits and tuck them behind you. From the back it looks just like a squashed rat! Im always waking up the next morning thinking why did I get my bits out again?’
LEE: ‘Iv puked on bar and have been caught in the toilet with my dads ex-girlfriend at his wedding. But the next morning, im usually pulling on my socks and running down the road, while someones boyfriend is knocking at the door, to worry about whether I made an idiot of myself.’

Which Celeb would you invite to your bash?
‘Harvey and Alesha, Dale Winton, and Jamie and Louise Redknapp because theyre my mates.’
SI: ‘Posh and Becks and Giggy – they’ve been my mates since my footballing days!’
DUNC: ‘Tara Palmer Tomkinson – shes a Brill part partner!’

And finally – any pulling tips?
‘Don’t dance to your own records, and – if you’re a bloke – don’t take your top off and think your Justin Timberlake.’
SI: ‘I don’t really pull at parties – id rather take someone I liked with me instead.’
DUNC: ‘Make eye contact across the room and keep looking back every so often. If they like you they’ll come over and talk to you.’
LEE: ‘Id walk up to a girl and ask her if she wanted a cocktail, knoworramean?! Huh huh!’


Lee Ryan
Lee Ryan Gallery

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Induls: 2004-03-28
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Curtain Falls

Mdia (Lee)

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$

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