'I'm very romantic and very soppy, but sometimes i wish i wasn't'
'When i was out on a date once, i kept calling this girl the wrong name! I kept saying my ex-girlfriend's name and she got really angry and spun out'
'I fall asleep in the bath all the time, but it's not dangerous or anything cos i'm too big and i don't sink down- i just sort of stay there'
'Southends great' Why lee who lives there?
'I'd have a sex change to bonk posh'
“I’d go out with Duncan if I was a girl.”
“No one has ever sent me a love letter though. I wish they would!”
“I think about dying a lot, every time I fall asleep on a train or a plane I expect to wake up to a crash!”
“I always get heartbroken!” Awwww
'I dunno how im gonna get this done!'
'Del roy man, del roy, what the bloody hell u done to ya hair man?'
'Being on stage is the most amazing thing you can have' Really?
'I bet you've never seen us dance so much' No Lee we aint. But i bet thats not all you do for hours on end!
'No way, man, i'm bloody brilliant me! Nah,sometimes they say i went on for hours, and the truth is, i roll over and go to sleep after sex. sometimes i wake up and think :'Mmm, i could go again; but i'm not into all that 10-times-a-night stuff. I've got to walk the next day,after all!' lee after being asked if all the storys about him having sex all night are true!
I'd send Christina Aguilera (to Mars) cos she'd scare all the aliens!"
- "I got caught kissing my dad's ex-girlfriend - at his wedding!"
- "We're not going to try and act like we're superstars cos we'renot."
- "What happens was, I was a baby and I was crawling along and she closed the garage door on me. That's why I'm a bit skitz!"
- "I don't like halloween. My mum and dad split up at that time of year and I never really got into it."
- "I haven't shaved my private parts, but I dyed them once for a laugh! They looked more ginger, though!"
- "I jumped off a cliff into the sea. It was just like in a cartoon - you jump out and it feels like you're hanging in mid air, then you then start falling really fast."
- Lee's tip in getting rid of cat hair "Go and find a pellet gun and shoot the cat in the arse. That will get rid of the problem! (joking) I hate the little things. I used to have cats, but I hated all that cat hair. I would always get covered in it - especially if I was wearing a black top! No, seriously. sellotape always does the trick."
- "I sleep better when I cuddle up someone else"
- "I still have imaginary friends who I talk to in my head"
- "Chat to the ghosts! That's what I do"
- On the track Ain't got you...How were you all feeling when you recorded it? "I was feeling horny..."
- "I don't drive - and I don't think I ever will!"
- "I have a rude thought every three seconds"
- "I haven't been unfaithful, well only when I was younger!"
- "I always get heartbroken"
- "I think about dying a lot, everytime I fall asleep on a train or a plane I expect to wake up to a crash!"
- "No one has ever sent me a love letter though. I wish they would!"
- "I like buying perfume for girls."
- "Shut up mate, I ain't a tea leaf!"
- "To be honest everything goes over my head a bit."
- "I’m eccentric, what else? I don't know, I've got two people telling me what to say."
- "In fact you can quote that 'Lee loves mistletoe!"
-If I fancy a girl, I'll tell her. I'll say: "You're fit!"
-"I made a girl puke once. It was my first kiss, so it must have been slimy. Another time, this girl kissed me and bit a scab of my head and ate it! I thought it was funny."
-"I did it for #80 once. I ran around school naked."
-"With a girl in a sauna; nice and sweaty"
- "My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!"
-"I used to pick up the covers and think a werewolf was in my bed or that I was made of stone and couldn’t move."
-"And another time, I was convinced I was a piece of wire and that if I moved, I would snap."
-"I'm an expert at kissing girls necks they love it -Girls say I'm quite sensitive, but I'm hyperactive too, Duncans the James Bond of the group and Simons the laid back one, he can pull birds just by stnading there."
- "I'd Love some dirty fan mail! The ruder the better! Make sure you write that! My mum and Dunc's mum look after the fan club, so they probably check our letters!"
-" if a shark bite me i would bite it back!"
THNX 2 Kat and Rach 2 use some quotes from der site! :)
-2004 JUNE-
'I'm very romantic and very soppy, but sometimes i wish i wasn't'
'When i was out on a date once, i kept calling this girl the wrong name! I kept saying my ex-girlfriend's name and she got really angry and spun out'
'I fall asleep in the bath all the time, but it's not dangerous or anything cos i'm too big and i don't sink down- i just sort of stay there'
'Southends great' Why lee who lives there?
'I'd have a sex change to bonk posh'
“I’d go out with Duncan if I was a girl.”
“No one has ever sent me a love letter though. I wish they would!”
“I think about dying a lot, every time I fall asleep on a train or a plane I expect to wake up to a crash!”
“I always get heartbroken!” Awwww
'I dunno how im gonna get this done!'
'Del roy man, del roy, what the bloody hell u done to ya hair man?'
'Being on stage is the most amazing thing you can have' Really?
'I bet you've never seen us dance so much' No Lee we aint. But i bet thats not all you do for hours on end!
'No way, man, i'm bloody brilliant me! Nah,sometimes they say i went on for hours, and the truth is, i roll over and go to sleep after sex. sometimes i wake up and think :'Mmm, i could go again; but i'm not into all that 10-times-a-night stuff. I've got to walk the next day,after all!' lee after being asked if all the storys about him having sex all night are true!