Lee Ryan || by Emz (aka. Mimette)
Lee Ryan
CLOCK (GMT + 1 hour)
*Simon About VS

Diary photo =)

1. Tell us about V.S.' new single:

'Make It Hot' is V.S.' new single, and it's one of my favourites off the up-and-coming album, called 'All Kinds Of Trouble'. I think this track portrays V.S. as I think they are. The track's energetic, hot, it's direct to the point, great vocals and we're here today to shoot the video, and it's a video with a difference and hopefully this track will do really well.

2. How did you decide on the look for the video?

The look and the theme for the video was decided by myself, the record company and the group. I suggested we use Phil Griffin, cos I'm a big fan of Phil's, he did 'You Make Wanna' which was shot in South Africa, and we thought Phil was the man to do the video. We thought 'you know what, even though it's a club track, it's not in a club, it's summery' and what else but a cornfield to do it in with hot tubs and a few ladies dancing around as well?! The set's amazing, we're actually in a studio, and I can't believe what it looks like on camera because we had a fantastic artist come in, and I think it took him a day and a half to do the whole sky, so I think I might be hiring him to do my house! He's amazing.

3. Are you happy with V.S.' progress so far?

We're already on the 3rd single for V.S. so I'm very happy with their progress. People aren't sure what they're about yet, but I think with this track, it'll definitely show people what they're about. The first single 'Love You Like Mad' was a good first single to introduce them, it was catchy, it was a Stargate track, and the second one 'Call You Sexy' was a great track too, but this song is a bit harder, it portrays more of what's on the album, so we've got a nice balance.

4. How's V.S.' album going?

The album's finished, so if the next single does well, we'll release the album straight after it. So all you V.S fans spread the word - V.S. 'Make It Hot'!

5. How does it compare doing an album from a management perspective rather than an artist's perspective?

It's a bit weird from a management perspective when I think about it because I've got to make decisions about what songs I think are right for V.S. to do. Also I'm an artist in Blue and we normally have someone liasing with us about OUR album, so I think I've used that experience and try to do it myself with my partners and came up with the idea of V.S. and see their progress and the direction they're going. Obviously times have changed, we're not selling 200,000 copies of singles anymore like we did with Blue, the market's changed a bit, it's a lot harder, it's a lot more risky, and I get scared! to be honest, but I'm in the position to help somebody else, and so hopefully this track will do really well for them.

6. As a manager for V.S., does that mean that you go back to Blue and act like a manager?

When I go back to Blue though I don't take the managerial role! I've got respect for my boys and they've got a lot of respect for me and they've allowed me to do this and I've done this with their blessing and they were 100% behind me when I went to them with the idea and when I go back i'm just quiet old Simon! We've got Lairy Lee and Suave Duncan and Mr Cheeky Chappie Anthony, and then there's me Mr Quiet! I can't wait to go back to be honest! I miss the boys.

7. Is it going to be the end of Blue this year?

It's not the end for Blue...we get asked this question all the time. The fact is that the proof is in the pudding - we're still here, we're still together, we're putting out another album, and after this next album we're going to go away and record a new albun and release it a year later. So we're still going to be doing the Blue thing, we just feel that we need to take a step back and see what we've done, step up the vocals, step up the writing and come back and show everyone what Blue's all about and say with our first single off our new album - we're back. We're definitely back and we ain't goin nowhere!

8. Have you got a message for V.S. and Blue fans?

V.S. fans - I'd like to say thank you so, so much for making their dream come true and they know that without you, they can't survive, and you're giving these 5 guys their dream, and they're good enough to do it and that's what you see and that's why you support them so I'd like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

V.S. and Blue fans - we want you to know that we think of you wherever we go, from the studio when we get home from a hard day's work and we're feeling low, you'll always be in our hearts. See you later!

Lee Ryan
Lee Ryan Gallery

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Induls: 2004-03-28
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Curtain Falls

Mdia (Lee)

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