Lee Ryan || by Emz (aka. Mimette)
Lee Ryan
CLOCK (GMT + 1 hour)
"People Thought I was Thick"
Everyone finds school work hard sometimes, but for Lee dyslexia made reading and writing even more of a struggle.
When did you realise you were dyslexic?
When I was 5 thay said I had really bad dyslexia. I didn't have to move classes but they made me go back through the younger books. That hurt me and I used to cry 'cos I just couldn't do the work. But the real problems startes when I was in secondary school. The headteachers said they'd help me out with my dyslexia but I don't think any of my class teachers knew about it. At 13 years old I wasn't going to tell them, so they just didn't know!
So did you fall behind with your schoolwork?
Yeah. They used to have a go at me 'cos I wouldn't do the work. They just thought I was being naughty so I'd always get detention or be suspended. I was only there for a year before I decided to go to drama school.
How did that work out?
It was a struggle for my mum 'cos she couldn't really afford it. I'd always loved singing and acting so I enjoyed it at first, but it eventually it was the same thing.
So what did you do next?
I had gained more confidence 'cos I was doing something I was good at: singing. But I had the same problems in the other lessons. I found English the hardest. In the end I gave up with my GCSEs, which is a shame but I've turned out alright. Richard Branson doesn't have any either and he's done alright!
So what could people have done to help you at school?
If people had understood that I needed more time, that would've helped. You can get more time in exams and stuff like that. Also you have to recognise the signs - and a teacher should see them. It's their job! I saw my teachers like mechanics who had to fix a car but the car needs a lot of work.
How can our readers tell if they have dyslexia?
Dyslexia doesn't have any physical symptoms - you just can't read. For me, it's like the word kind of jump out and swap around. It's hard to explain. I get bored 'cos I end up reading the same thing all the time. But it isn't anything to be ashamed of, and dyslexic people can be more imaginative and talented in other areas, like with my singing.
Did you have to work harder to succeed?
I've had to work a bit harder because I've been through a lot of emotional stuff. But I only felt different from the rest of the class when they started telling me I was. I remember when I was in junior school, I had to sit outside at playtime and read a book while everyone else was playing. Everyone was coming over and chucking grass at me and calling me thick.
That's awful. Did it happen a lot?
Yeah, but that was the teacher's fault. Once in class, I was reading a book that was 2 years below my level and this boy started saying, "Thicky thicky thicky", and the teacher didn't do anything to stop him. I hit him and I got suspended! I should have tried to explain to them what was happening.
Did you ever think you deserved to be treated like that?
Yes, I really believed I was naughty. When you get pulled into the office every day and told that you are really bad, it gets you down.
What advice do you want to give to someone who might be going through a similar situation?
I couldn't tell anyone what I was going through but you should try to tell your parents and your teachers. Most of all, you have to be strong and believe in yourself. If you've got dyslexia, you shouldn't see it as a bad thing. I may not be as good as everyone in English but I'm good at other stuff. Everyone has problems that they have to get over. This is no different. If you want something in life, the world is your oyster!
Lee Ryan
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Induls: 2004-03-28
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