Lee and the Ladies!
Whats your favoutrite part of a gal's body? lips. Nice, soft, kissable lips!
Which part of your body wins over the ladies? Girls seem to like cuddling up to my chest, but quite a few girls have told me they like my back as well. Maybe thats something to do with my tattoos.
How much cash would you splash on a girl on the first date? I can't put a limit on it. As long as she has a really good time, then it wouldn't matter.
What's the most romantic thing youv'e done for a girl? I've done quite a few romantic things. Iv's written songs for girls and then sung them to them. Girls love that! I once got loads of red roses and covered a girls bedroom with them as a suprise. I whisked a girl away to Paris for a romantic weekend once as well.
Boobs or bums? Bums.
Which country has the sexist girls? Australia, definatly. Those girls are hot!
How would you say sorry to a girl after a big bust-up? I couldn't do it cos sorry seems to be the hardest word!
Groan! That was super-cheesy, Lee! What should a girl do to get your attention? Stick her tongue down my throat! alternatively, she could put a soppy song on and romance me.
Whats the worst thing about having a girlfriend? It's impossible to have one in this buisness. The job keeps you apart and the fans dont like it. I can't see myself settling down with someone famous.
What type of girls attract you? I'm attracted to girls who really look like they're having a good time. Enjoy yourself and i'll enjoy it with you. And i love confident girls who can hold their own in any social situation,also like women's hands. I love it if a women has nice nails and i'm also into eyes. If i was seeing a girl she'd have to have nice eyes!
How long does it take you to get ready for a date? Five minutes! I'm not fussy with clothes, i know exactly what i want so i just grab it and go!
Are you shy about asking girls out? Naah, cos i like girls company. If i see someone i think is really pretty then i'l ask her out! But i can be quite fussy.
Would you like a girlfriend at the mo? I love relationships but at the mo its too hard. i find that when i start seeing girls a couple of times, they start telling everyone where an item! I'm like "why are you telling everyone that?!" But id like a nice wife and kids one day....
Do you get more attention cos your the youngest of the band? Sometimes! Thats one reason why i've cut my hair so i look older and dont get reconised as much. I was seen as the pretty boy so i thought i'd shave it off!
Have you ever given your coat to a girl cos she was cold? Yeah! I always do! I put them over their head and chuck 'em in the back of the cab! I'm only joking - honest! I always offer my jacket and open doors to them! And when a ladee walks to the table i stand up. Im polite me!