Have any of you ever won a beautiful babies contest? SIMON: "My mum didnt enter me any compertitions because she said i was ugly! Everyone used to say 'Isnt he pretty?' and my mum used to say 'No!' " LEE: "My mum dressed me up as a girl once and put me on stage. I did look like a girl when i was younger."
Did you have a baby Girlfriend? ANTONY: "Yes, her name was Samantha. I was gonna marry her. Im still friends with her actualy!" LEE: "I had a baby girlfriend when i was five. My mum told me about her. Apparently i did really love her, but then we moved away and i just forgot about her."
Whats your first childhood memory? DUNCAN: "Being taken to play school by my gran. I just walked in and hated it. I kicked up such a fuss! It was terrible." SIMON: "My first memory is of learning to ride a bike. My dad put me straight on a two-wheeler. i remember he pushed me along and just let go. I didnt realise i had to use the brakes, so i kept crashing into trees!"
Did you have an imaginary friend? SIMON: "I had a gang! There was about five of us. I even made up names for them. I was Simian, the leader, and there was David and Rodger too!" LEE: "I still have imaginary friends i talk to in my head. Everyone talkes to themselves."
What scared you? ANTONY: "I always used to want to sleep with the light on because i didnt like shadows" DUNCAN: "My mum used to tell me about a witch called Elouisa who would take children back to her cave and make them eat worms from her cauldron. I was scared stiff."