"Just a quick hello to everyone and anyone who is reading this!! Me and the boys are in Mexico doing lots of promo here! Also we have just finished filming our new video !"bubbling" which is out soon.! Hope ur all happy and well and hope to catch as many of u as possible on our summer road shows! Peace!!!!! Duncan xxxxxx
hi everyone i dont know my code to get on the sight so im using dunks. i hope everyone is cool and happy if not smile......... now!!!! i just want to say thankyou so much for all your support with breatheasy. its done really well round the world and people have been telling me that they have related to it in so many different ways. thankyou for listening. remember that the war child album is still out, with stand up as people on it, to help all those children effected from war, please support it if you already havnt x also i have a new group coming out soon ille let you know though but there really soullfull all my love . lee x " |