Lee Ryan || by Emz (aka. Mimette)
Lee Ryan
CLOCK (GMT + 1 hour)


'before i was in Blue, i was in a band called Tantrum. We had a showcase with EMI and i decided to wear my new Gucci shirt on stage. It was quite tight but it looked really cool! Anyway when we got the tape back of our porformance, i realised i had huge sweat patches under my armpits! Maybe thats why we never got signed!' -Duncan


'alot of blue fans seem to think ive got a nice bum! Whenever i see them they always shout 'look at the arse on costa!' I also have a real habbit of exposing my bottom in public. One time on a school trip i was at the back of the bus wiv my mates and a car pulled up and i thought it'd be funny to moon them, it was untill i got caught!' - Ant


'i used to crack eggs on my head! Imagine People in the street seeing you coming towards them egg dripping down your face- i used to do it all the time with my mates. Well actually i was the only one who would do it!' - Lee


'I left home once feeling a bit dodgy, but when i got to the park i felt fine. I played a bit of footie, but when it was time to go, my dodgy stomach came back 10 times worse! I knocked on everydoor to use someones loo but no one was in! I was so desperate for a poo i had to go behind a tree at the park!' - Simon


'I was with this girl once and we were getting down to buisness when all of a sudden i caught this wiff of a discusting smell. Then i realised it was coming from my feet cos my socks really stank! I kept them on but had to poke my feet out of the bottom of the bed hoping she wouldn't smell it! i felt bad cos wearin socks is a real turn off! - Antony


'I remember when i first tried to slow dance wiv this girl at my school. My mates dared me to ask her and i wanted to show off in front of them. Thing was, i kept treading on her feet and knocking her over. She had open toe shoes on aswell so i dont think she was very happy with me!'
- Simon


'When i was a kid my mum took me to one of those churches where they heal you and stuff. I was mucking about and couldn't stop giggling.
My mum started to get annoyed and said 'what r u laughing at?' So i got up and ran to the back of the church and let out a really big long fart! Wiv every step i took another came out!'
- Lee


' Ive had some really embarrassing haircuts! Once i was roped into moddeling and the hairdresser said she had a wicked style like a diaganol flat top with loads of colours in it. I wasnt convinced but i just fort id go wiv the flow. The next day though i thought 'what have i done?'  It looked terrible! i wore a hat for months!' - Duncan.


'A few years ago i went out all day and left my keys in the front door all day. When i came back with my mates, my mum went mad at me. i was trying to act all big in front of my mates, but she shouted really load and it was quite humiliating! Mind you, they were just as scared of her as i was, when shes angry she is a very scary lady!' - Simon


'i was in a packed hotel lift once and i accidenty let out the biggest fart! It wasn't loud, just one of those silent but deadly ones! It absolutley stank! You should of seen the look on peoples faces! Even i felt sick. I never usually fart in public-i usually hold it in till i get to the bog!' - Ant


' Im always making an idiot of myself! One time a girl came up to me and said 'buy me and my mate a drink' I ignored her at first, but later i said, 'Alright, ill buy your mate a drink she seems quite nice.' then she slapped me round the face! I think i just say the wrong thing at the wrong time!' - Lee


'Im quite a joker. I love to put a smile on ppl's face. I have aslo been the butt of some practical jokes tho. One night my mates covered me in shaving foam. I was tossing and turning all night and got the stuff all over me. I was really scared when i woke up cos i wasn't quite sure what was going on!' - Ant


'I was tryin to impress this girl once, so i took her to this really posh nice restaurant. Everything seemed to be going well but when the bill came i coudnt find my wallet! I looked at her and said 'im really sorry but i think ive left my wallet at home.' I felt like a right idiot as i had to ask her to pay for the meal! Big embarrassment!


' I always used to hang out down at the local swimming baths. I remember getting out of the pool one time and feeling a cold draught around my bottom, where my shorts had fallen off! I was so embarrassed cos there was loads of gurls there! And im shy in front of girls! - Simon

Lee Ryan
Lee Ryan Gallery

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Induls: 2004-03-28
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Curtain Falls

Mdia (Lee)

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$

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