Lee Ryan || by Emz (aka. Mimette)
Lee Ryan
CLOCK (GMT + 1 hour)

you sexy things - sugar magazine

When it comes to lurve, Blue don’t mess about! We bring you their raunchiest interview ever. Ooh er...

Right lads, whats your definition of someone really sexy?

Duncan: What’s sexy is the way a girl moves, how she carries herself. And that sexy look a girl has in her eye does it for me!
Antony: I like nice eyes. A cute smile and she’s got to be able to make me laugh. I like a girl who knows what she wants, too. I hate it when you ask a girl what she wants to do and she just says (adopts a whiny voice) " I don’t care.", it winds me up!
Simon: I like anyone with a great personality. Girls that know how to have a laugh are really sexy.
Lee: I go for mad girls! I snogged a girl once who was the nuttiest girl I’ve ever met and it really turned me on! She was crazy, but I thought it was brilliant.

How d’ya approach someone you really fancy?

Lee: I’m a Gemini, so I’ve got a split personality. If I’m in a mad mood, I’ll go in all guns blazing. But I can be a gent, too.
Duncan: I’m really quite shy when it comes to approaching girls, so I let them know I’m interested with eye contact. I might walk past and say "hi" and see how they respond. I think the subtle approach is best.
Simon: I like to think that if I fancy a girl she’ll come up to me. Once you’ve got eye contact going, its obvious you fancy each other.
Antony: I clap ‘em if a girl walks past me in a club, I’ll go "Hello, you’re looking well!" and give her a round of applause! I hate slimy chat up lines, though, they just don’t work.

What part of a girls body is the biggest turn on?

Antony: Legs! They have to be smooth, though. I don’t like stubbly legs and they must have nice toes!
Simon: I’m a real legs boy, too. They’ve gotta be nice and smooth.
Lee: Bodies are important, but if a girls got beautiful eyes, I’ll go for it!.
Duncan: I agree, for me its her eyes, too, a girl can say a lot with her eyes.

So, tell us about your fave personality types...

Duncan: l like girl-next-door types, innocent and quite shy! I enjoy being able to look after a girl, so I don’t do for independent girls.
Simon: I dig bubbly girls, who can chat with the lads.
Antony: Yeah shes gotta be up for a laugh, ‘cos I’m a bit of a joker.
Lee: my perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!

What saucy chat-up lines would make you hot under the collar?

Antony: "Snog me, now!" I hate girls who give it big all night and then, when you think something’s going to happen she says "I’m not that kind of girl". Especially if I’ve spent £50 on drinks! Tsk!
Lee: it wouldn’t take that much, ‘cause I’m not into girls talking dirty! I like stuff to be left to the imagination.
Duncan: Just being cute and sweet would do it for me.
Simon: Well, she wouldn’t have to do much to get me hot if I fancied her! I’ll let you use your imagination.

What’s the raunchiest thing a fans ever done to you?

Duncan: A fan once threw a pair of knickers at me while I was performing! She’d written, "For Duncan's use only!" on them. It was quite weird.
Antony: I’ve had knickers too. A girl once sent me a pink g-string! And I am always amazed by fans banners at gigs. " I want Ant in my pants!" is one of my favourites!
Simon: Girls are always shouting "I love you," when we’re performing. Which is great. They say some rude things too, but I’m not going to tell you what!
Lee: Some girls can be quite naughty, but I think its wicked!

D’ya get rude fan mail, then?

Antony: I haven’t had anything really saucy, but maybe things will change if we get really big.
Lee: Yeah I’d love some dirty fan mail! The ruder the better! Make sure you write that! My mum and Dunc’s mum look after the fan club, so they probably check our letters!
Duncan: We never get really rude stuff, although some girls write to me saying they’re in love with me and want to marry me!
Simon: I don’t get rude fan mail, either. Although girls do write and say they fancy me. Lee gets most of the fan mail!

So, which one of you pulls the most?

Duncan: Simon does!
Simon: No Antony does! I cant pull at all. I’m useless.
Antony: it depends on where we go out, sometimes, I might pull three girls in one night and Dunc might pull four. It all depends. No one pulls more than the other, but I get given the most numbers!
Lee: If theres loads of girls at a club. Dunc might go up and do the groundwork and then I’ll come over and introduce myself and start talking to her while he’s standing there like a pillock!

Err ok! So, what d’ya think girls like about you?

Lee: Girls say I’m quite sensitive, but I’m hyperactive, too. Duncans the James Bond of the group and Simons the laid back one, he can pull birds just by standing there.
Duncan: Yeah Simons got that real model look. He knows it and plays on it a lot! All the girls come up to him and start chatting to him. I’m different, if there’s a girl I really fancy, I can hardly look at her, ‘cause I’m scared of rejection.
Simon: Antony’s got the gift of the gab. He’s got a really cheeky personality and girls love that.
Antony: Yeah, it is my cheekiness! I’m up for a laugh and just act myself.

And what do girls fancy about you?

Antony: They like my bum and my puppy-dog eyes! That’s what they say, anyway. I dunno, it’s just a bum innit?! Our fans say, "If I had my ideal Blue boy, he’d have Antonys bum, Lees eyes, Dunc’s hair and Si’s body". I’m the bottom end of the group.
Duncan: I think girls like my cheeky smile.
Simon: I don’t, know, although I’ve had girls saying I’ve got nice eyes.
Lee: maybe some girls think I’m cute, but its more because I’m very in-your-face. If I fancy a girl, I’ll tell her I’ll say "You’re fit!"

What part of you bods are you insecure about?

Duncan: My nose! Its got a huge bump in it, ‘cause I broke it when I was about nine. I hate it!
Antony: I don’t like my hairy chest. But my ex-girlfriend waxed it a year and a half ago and it was so painful, I cried.
Simon: My legs are my worst bit. ‘cause they’re really skinny!
Lee: For me its my belly! I think its fat, but I’m a big eater. It’ll be like Homer Simpson’s in a couple of years.

D’you feel pressurised to keep in shape?

Simon: As we’re a band, we obviously want to keep fit. Before we released our first single we went to the gym about four times a week, but I haven’t been for three months!
Lee: Yeah, since we’ve been in the group I’ve felt pressure to look good. But I don’t think girls mind. They like a pot belly!
Duncan: I’m not bothered about being perfect. You just have to feel good about yourself.
Antony: We used to work out when we started, but at the moment, we’ve got no time at all.

What makes a good snog?

Duncan: I like passionate and slow kissing, but the main thing is connection. You can really fancy a girl, but when you snog, there might be no chemistry.
Antony: Yep, slow and sensuous all the way! Fast kissing’s horrible!
Simon: I think slow kissing’s best, too. You shouldn’t rush into a kiss you’ve got to take your time.
Lee: I cant stand erratic snogging! And I wont go out with a girl unless she eats garlic. If she eats garlic, I’ll marry her. Gimme garlic breath, any day!

How would you rate your own snogging techniques?

Duncan: I’m a good kisser, I’ve been told I am. I’m a really soft kisser and I’ve got squidy lips!
Lee: I dunno what I’m like - I’ve never had any complaints. I’d have to snog someone and ask ‘em!
Simon: I’m pretty successful!
Antony: Some girls say they like the way I kiss, which is quite a nice compliment, but I take it in my stride!

Ever snogged a girl somewhere weird?

Antony: I kissed a girl under a table! Her name was Kelly and I was 12. It was my first snog! If she’s reading this, she’ll kill me, ‘cause she’s with some older guy now!
Duncan: I’ve kissed girls everywhere! There’s been to many weird places to mention.
Lee: I dunno. I cant remember ‘cause I’ve snogged in loads of weird places, bushes, toilets, you name it!
Simon: My weirdest snog location was on a roller-coaster at Alton Towers. It was a girl I pulled in the queue!

Where do you like to be kissed?

Duncan: I like being kissed on my neck, but I like being kissed anywhere, really!
Lee: I just like normal, nice kissing.
Antony: Mmm, I like to be kissed on my neck, too. That wins me over all the time!
Simon: I like it on my stomach, ‘cause its really sensitive down there!

And whats a real snogging no-no?

Antony: You know when a girl’s lips go up and down like tower bridge? Well it happens a lot when your younger.
Duncan: And too much tongue action is bad! I like subtle, slow snogging.
Simon: Yeah, you don’t want all of that washing machine action going on!
Lee: And its awful if they’ve got mingin’ breath (er, but garlic’s fine eh?!)

Have you ever had a snogging disaster?

Duncan: I once knocked teeth with a girl when I was about 14 it was so embarrassing!
Simon: I had a bad time with a girl who’d never kissed anyone before. I think she’d been watching too many films, ‘cause she was moving her head around loads!
Antony: If anyone asks me about a bad kiss, there’s this one time when I was about 14 and a girl nearly split my tongue. She really went in for the kill.
Lee: I was on holby city once and I had to snog a 35-year-old lady. she was really passionate! I had to calm down for about 10 minutes afterwards!

Lee Ryan
Lee Ryan Gallery

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Induls: 2004-03-28
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Mdia (Lee)

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