Would you be bold enough to ask me out or are you the shy type?
I’d be bold enough! I’d use a line like, ‘You’ve got deep, deep eyes’!
So where would you take me?
I hate clubs, so I’d take you for a meal, or maybe to the opera- somewhere a bit different.
Ooh, posh! I take it jeans and trainers are out of the quezzie then?
Definitely! I think you should dress quite elegantly, maybe and dinner dress?
I’ve heard of a dinner suit, but not a dress! What will you wear?
A suit. Something smart.
Will you pick me up?
Well, I can’t drive, but I’d pick you up in a car with a driver.
Chauffeur driven, eh? You’re spoiling me! Will you be on time?
Oh yeah, I wouldn’t make you hang around.
Glad to hear it! D’ya reckon you’d be a bit nervous?
No, I don’t think I’d be nervous, not if I knew you really well.
Any chance of you buying me a lil’ prezzie on the first date?
Not on the first date, no. Maybe on the second or third I’d get you something.
Fair enough. So during our date should I be a talker or a listener?
Both, be a talker and a listener!
Will you crack all your best jokes to try to impress me?
No,‘cause they’re too crude. I don’t think you’d be too impressed with any of those!
Say the date’s a disaster what would you do?
I’d apologise and ask what you’d like to do next time.
Great, so there’d be a next time! OK, let’s get down to the nitty gritty then – who’s paying?
Me of course! Although it’d be nice if you offered.
Would you take me home, or am I catching the bus?
I’d rather take you home, but if you lived in a totally different direction to me, I’d get you a cab.
So Lee, any chance of a snog before the date’s over?
Oh all right! D’ya think you’d ask to see me again?
Yeah, I’d want to see you again if we got on well during the date.
And lastly, will you dream about me when you head hits the pillow?
Yeah, I think I’d lie there in bed and daydream about you before I went to sleep! |