leeSbabe 2005.02.24. 17:13
Chapter 3 of J.A.P.D added :) Enjoy >>
Lee woz actually so happy that he found that mobile , caz he knew it woz emz"s mob....so he grabbed it..:
- ARGH i cant understand its hungarian - said he, and went to tell the newz to Dunk and the others..
- HEEEEYY ! -guess wot ive found - A spot on ur ass? - laffed Dunk and Simon
- NAHH man EMz's mobile ! she left here -and then wot? u have a better one lol - laffed antony..
- U aint get it den ... i woz sittin der and wonderin if i wud find a clue ...to reach emz agen ....caz she woz gorg...i duno ...but i like her...-sed lee ...
- u like every human being who is SHE bro - sed dunk and smiled .
- okayy..laff at me den...im goin to translate with someone this mobile maybe i can reach her agaiin.... -said lee and he went out from tha room to find JOhny B if he cud help...
* *** ** At LILLA's place ** *** *
- Emz apart from that : U WONT C ME AGEN to lee this day woz great ! - said Lilla
- yer dude...just i wonder wot will my mates say...if they call me...and Simon will pick up....
- lol i bet they will jump around.... -answered Lilla
-HEHE but i guess not all my mates lol Especially nickay or rachy wont b dat excited man .... they wud lyk: WTF
- lol yer except them though..
-arghh we betta go to sleep now dude caz im tired -said lilla caz emz was sleepni at their house this night..
-okies...- replied emz and they were close to sleep........when suddenly...Lilla's phone rang....
- WOT THE F UCK ....WHO IS THAT SH IT ?? - sat emz in the bed...and tried to open her eyes...
- ARGHH....right away...ill see.....-and Lilla went to reach her mobile..and she woz lyk :
- WOt ? - asked Emz ..
- its an umm UK numba....but ill pick up...-and she picked up - Hallo?
-who is that ? -asked emz ?
- Who? - asked bk Lilla on the phone...- Yer she is ..
Emz woz very curious ...
- Emz he wants u ...- and she gave emz her mobile..
-Hallow? - sed emz
- hey babe its me Lee....
- what? do u kno the tym...its almost 3 am..
- i know babe...just it took me a lot of time to translate ur mobile.. -sed lee...
- heh? lol u found it?? -smiled emz
-yer babe ....so u have to come and take it ...and ull c me agen...wot a pity init
- nah ...well its not....umm i want my mobile...
- okiess...well umm c ya 2morrow at 2pm on Hero's square
-ahh okay u b.astard ... hehe ....c ya babe - said emz and threw the mobile to Lilla and afta she lied bk and said: -Good night Liilla !
- WOT u dont wanna telll me anyfin??
but emz woz sleepin ..
-biatch .. - laffed lilla..- we will c it 2morrow...and she lied bk as well....and soon they were both sleeping .