leeSbabe 2005.02.21. 14:24
Chapter 2 of J.A.P.D added :) Enjoy >>
CHAPTER 2 !!!!!!!!
So when Simon and Ant entered the room they look surprised
- Johnny will kill ya that u took ur fans into ur bed as soon as the show finishes - sed simon and they laffed 2getha
- HE HE HE HE - did lee a grumpy face - if u wanna kno....i woz just snoggin
Emz became so red
- I told him he cant b calm for a half minute ... -sed Dunk
- Ummm...OMFG -shouted Lilla and every1 looked at her..
-WOT -askeed Emz ..
- My MUM ! she is waiting outside omfg we gotta goo lol - sed Liilla and grabed Emz's hands and ran to the door..
-Hey HEY! -shouted Lee afta them
-Yes? - they turned back-
And afta Lee looked at Emz..can i see you next time again?
- WTF -Emz was shocked.. - I guess no... -and they ran out...
While dey were runnin Lilla shouted with Emz:
-R u CRAZY?????? Lee asked you to see agen...and YOU SED NO?? Do u kno how many fans wud like only to look into Lee's eyes...not to MEET HIM AGEN?
- BUt thats y i dont want...i dont want him to think im da same as they.. caz he is a celebrity..
- u r crazi , b!tch....never mind...theres mum ! - pointed Lilla...and they went towards the car and afta they had to listen her mum's shoutin about their late....
actually it took 2 hours to get home..And emz cudnot stop thinkin bout Lee...
-thats too gorgeous... nah i woz rite..and i had to say no... im not a biatch to run straight into his bed..-said to herself...
-EMZ! EMZ! EMZ! -shouted Lilla
-WHAT! ??
-Im shouting for 10minutes..and U AINt listenin lol where r ur thoughts..
-u can bet....-smiled emz..
-am sorry girl....but it woz ur stupidneshh ..
-i know...but...
-dont worry emz...umm about 2 days..and we will fligh to london..and u will find ur babeeeee , not him though...but oh well maybe a better
-thanks Lilu..but i dont know...
-Chill girl.. -and she hugged her
-OMFG ! -sed emz in her arms...
-what?? !
-I LEFT mY mobile in their room !
- owwwwww
-SH IT! Its all ur fault lol Lilla...we were hurry ....arghh i cant believe.. oh well i guess no 1 will care ...and they will throw out it....-and she put a "non-care" face..
**** *** *** at that room where tha lads are... *** *** *****
- he he he he he he-- dunk cud not stop laffin...
- will u SHUT THE F UCK UP - sed lee
- nah bro i just cant believe that there was a girl who sed NOO to you
- okay..okay....Laff at me den ....enjoy.. -and Lee went out dat room where they were sitting and he went to tha hall where emz and he kissed b4...
-i cant believe..i really liked her plzz God ... its aint fair i jst wish if sumit wud b here which will help to reach her agen.. - and while he sed that ... he looked next to himself...where was a mobile...
- Lee looked above : THAT woz fast ! TO BE CONTINUED ****