leeSbabe 2004.04.08. 18:00
Tara chats to … Simon Webbe, 24
Tara: “I love that orange suit on you. So, Simon, are you currently single?” Simon: “I am.” Tara: “I’m sort of single, too. I don’t want a relationship right now, although I am ‘kissing friends’ with certain people …. Do you chat up lots of girls?” Simon: “I’m shy, so I don’t really chat women up because I’m afraid of rejection. Once, I asked a girl out when I was about 11, and she said, ‘No, because you’re black’.” Tara: “How did you feel?” Simon: “I didn’t blame her for it. I knew it was an attitude she’d picked up from her parents. Bit it really, really hurt me. That was the first time I thought about skin colour. I knew I looked different, but I didn’t know that people would act differently towards me because of it. I knew my mum would be upset, so I didn’t tell her. I didn’t tell anyone.” Tara: “You’re a very private person, aren’t you? So, when do you think you’ll meet the girl of your dreams?” Simon: “I have a recurring dream about the woman I’m sure I’m meant to be with. I even had it last night. She has long, curly, black hair and brown eyes and she looks Brazilian. She’s wearing a gold dress but, as she floats towards me, I wake up.” Tara: “And nothing happens?” Simon: “I want it to but I haven’t had a sexy dream since I was about 10!” Tara: “You haven’t met this wonderful Brazilian woman yet?” Simon: “Not yet. At the moment, I just want to be happy, Tara. And, in terms of finding a girlfriend, I just can’t make up my mind because I love all women. I’ve got a lot of choice and I’ve got a wandering eye.” Tara: “I remember when we went to the party in Marseilles, and you fell in love with that girl with the beautiful eyes. You were absolutely in love with her for about an hour.” Simon: “But with me it’s always out of sight, out of mind. What about you?” Tara: “People always say to me,’You could have hundreds of people’, but I believe in a soulmate. One day, I’ll walk down the sreet and meet someone with that je ne sais quoi.” Simon: “So you believe love will strike you like a thunderbolt?” Tara: “A thunderboldt is a one-night stand of fabulous passion. A soulmate is different. You need to be able to sit on that long-haul flight and laugh your head of, or just say nothing. He’s someone who’ll wash out your sick-bowl because he loves you.” Simon: “I believe it takes seven seconds to decide wether you like someone or not. It’s that X-factor.” Tara: “Have you got a type?” Simon: “You can’t beat a good brunette. Blonds are so in your face but a brunette can be dancing right next to you and you don’t notice her until you’re talking,” Tara: “So who’s your celebrity dream woman?” Simon: “I really don’t want to be with a woman who’s in the limelight because I wouldn’t like everyone to be commenting on us.” Tara: “So, what don’t you like in a woman?” Simon: “If they’re fake. For example, if you say something that just isn’t funny and they laugh anyway. Or women who want to date me simply because I’m famous.”